"At Paradise You Are Family"
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
Romans 12:5
to Paradise!
Paradise strives to be a church that welcomes everyone no matter your past background, outer appearance or social status. When we say come as you are.....we truly mean COME AS YOU ARE!
Pastor Jay Hill, Senior Pastor, often says, "Give me 4 services." Which means do not go off your first visit, however, that may be all that it takes.
What do we believe?
SALVATION: Deliverance from sin and its consequences, believing in faith that Jesus shed his blood and died on the cross to give us salvation and life eternal
BAPTISM: An act of obedience that follows salvation, and symbolizes the believers faith in a crucified, buried and risen Savior. Jesus set this example for us to follow. Why submersion? Submersion baptism is the representation of the death of our sins, the burial of our old life, and resurrection to walk in the likeness of Christ.
TRINITY- God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit (3 in 1-all the same but with distinctive roles)
God-the source and life of it all
Jesus-son of God being the physical and spiritual representation of God, as well as being the source of our salvation
Holy Spirit-the comforter left with us as a gift of salvation to bring peace, love, conviction, wisdom, guidance and so much more to the believer in Christ.